Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day Five

This morning, we went to the High School pool, bright and early, first thing in the morning. All of the kids, plus two extra. Nathan and The Other Adam. (James had done an overnight at Nathan's, but he was under strict instructions to be back at the house by 7 am so we could go to the pool.)

We were hoping to do some lap swimming in the competition pool, but the competition pool was being used for ... competition. Apparently there was some kind of junior swimming meet going on, so we had to use the shallow pool. It has eight (small) lanes. But then, unexpectedly, there was a class. And they took half the pool. So we were left with four lanes. Two for going up this way, and two for coming back the other way.

The kids took a while to "get" it, having never really done lane swimming before. You know, sharing a single lane with a bunch of old ladies who have been doing it for a million years and have absolutely no patience for young kids who haven't quite figured it out yet. Needless to say, we were all getting annoyed. So we didn't stay long.

Back home, after showers, we went on-line and picked up our tickets to the movies (thanks to Aunt Jan!!) and then drove up north through the two demolished bridges to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides (4 of us) and X-Men: First Class (3 of us). I took 3 of the boys up early because X-Men started half an hour early. Adam and Mary came along for fun. And we ended up sitting in the Pirates theater for half an hour waiting for Cheryl to bring the rest of the kids. While waiting, we ate up our popcorn and Coke and candy. I won't tell you how much money we spent on snacks, because it is too embarrassing. Makes me want to quit going to movies altogether.

So we watched both movies and waited all the way through the credits to see the very last scene which made absolutely no sense, and then gathered up the troops afterward and headed back home to drop off the 'extra' kids (should I mention the part about sitting in traffic for twenty minutes because of the two bridges which were being ripped apart?) and then rushed over to the Sabri's for an Open House (those weird High School Graduation Open Houses they have out here in Michigan). And we had some wonderful cake and fresh fruit. And ended up taking some home because they had lots of leftovers.

Then it was time to head home to watch some Dr. Who!

Not sure what we learned today, other than the fact that Dad can barely swim a lap before losing his breath...

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